• Event
Event date:
23 Jun 2022

The Education and Innovation Summit will bring together key actors from the world of Education and Innovation on 23 June from 10.00-18.00 CEST to share knowledge and inspiring experiences on innovative education practices and on building bridges between the education and higher education communities, and their surrounding innovation ecosystems...

  • Webinar
Event date:
26 May 2022

This month’s HEInnovate webinar will introduce some of the ongoing EIT HEI Capacity Building projects, their progress and lessons learnt so far. The webinar will take place on Thursday, the 26th May 2022 at 5pm CEST. The webinar will be moderated by Rebecca Allinson and Zsuzsa Javorka from Technopolis Group, and it will engage four experts who will...

  • News
Submitted on:
12 May 2022

The ASKFOOD project, propelled by 12 partners and supported by 15 associated partners, was aimed at creating new methodologies and training solutions able to cover the needs of the food-sector market, as well as fostering entrepreneurial skills. Through state-of-the-art analysis the partnership was able to develop tailored and context-adapted...

  • Webinar summary

An international audience of 80 joined this webinar to explore how national governments and other relevant institutions use digital tools to boost professionalisation and learning in HEIs. The session was moderated by Ben Jongbloed and Andrea Kottmann from the Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies, and included presentations from three experts...

  • Webinar
Event date:
28 Apr 2022

This month’s HEInnovate webinar “ National and institutional approaches of using digital tools to stimulate learning and professionalisation among higher education teachers” will take place on Thursday 28th April 2022 at 5pm CEST. In this webinar, we will explore how higher education institutions use digital tools such as online platforms and other...

  • News
Submitted on:
30 Mar 2022

As HEInnovate users no one is better placed to attest to the impact of the self-assessment tool in identifying strengths and weaknesses, and opening up discussion and debate on the entrepreneurial / innovative nature of your institution. That’s why we created a range of HEInnovate badges that can be posted across social or web platforms to support...

  • News
Submitted on:
14 Mar 2022

Being physically active and eating nutritious foods are the keys to healthy ageing. Isn't it simple? However, according to WHO statistics, non-communicable diseases account for 90 percent of all deaths in Europe. And what is the primary cause of NCDs? An unhealthy lifestyle. So maybe being healthy is not such an easy thing to do after all. Now...

  • Webinar summary

This month’s webinar provided an opportunity to explore the user community’s views about potential adjustments of HEInnovate, so that the self-assessment tool continues to be relevant and useful for its main users, higher education institutions (HEIs). The webinar was moderated by Rebecca Allinson, Managing Partner at Technopolis Group. It...

  • Webinar
Event date:
24 Feb 2022

This month’s HEInnovate webinar “New directions: sustainability, regional innovation and labour market relevance” will take place on Thursday 24th February 2022 at 5pm CET. For this webinar, we would particularly like to warmly invite HEInnovate users - past and present, as it aims to provide an opportunity to feed into future adjustments of...

  • Event
Event date:
22 Feb 2022

This year’s edition of the annual event organised by the NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020 will take place online on 22 and 23 February 2022, in conjunction with the University Business Forum and in collaboration with the European Commission. The event, titled, “University-Business collaboration in a time of recovery and resilience”, will last...

  • Event
Event date:
17 Feb 2022 - 10 Mar 2022

On 17 February 2022, a series of four international peer-learning seminars will start to share the results of the LMRO Partnership Initiative. Every Thursday, an international dialogue will be hosted to share innovative public policy options and institutional practices effective in supporting good labour market outcomes for graduates including, for...

  • Webinar summary

The first HEInnovate webinar of the new year was organised as part of the Conference on the Future of Europe, which invites European citizens to debate Europe’s challenges and priorities, and to put forward recommendations for the future. With this focus, the HEInnovate webinar provided a forum to discuss the priorities and challenges of Europe...

  • News
Submitted on:
18 Jan 2022

HEInnovate has been running a webinar series since early 2020. The webinar series that first emerged as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic to help representatives of higher education institutions to discuss relevant topics, developed into a monthly event series attended by a highly international audience. The webinars explore the features of...

  • Webinar summary

The final HEInnovate webinar of the year showcased the progress on the work carried out by four Erasmus+ funded Forward Looking Cooperation Projects. [1] The Forward Looking Cooperation Projects (FLCPs) are large-scale projects that aim to identify, develop, test and/or assess innovative policy approaches that have the potential of becoming...

  • News
Submitted on:
17 Dec 2021

“Have you already had previous experience in this field?”, “Do you have the practical skills necessary for this job?” Many young graduates hear these types of questions daily, during job interviews, and find it difficult to get a position because of their lack of experience in the field. A significant number of them do not have practical experience...