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📅 Date: 23 April 2025 🕒 Time: 15:30–17:00 CET This webinar is part of the Community for Educational Innovation (CEI) , which the European Commission created to bring together policymakers, practitioners, and members of the business sector to promote innovation in education at all levels. It is part of the first Thematic Strand of CEI, dedicated to...

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About the webinar The focus of this webinar is to provide practical insights on HEInnovate, which is a self-assessment tool designed specifically for higher education institutions to explore and enhance their entrepreneurial and innovative potential. During this one-hour webinar, we will explore: how to use the self-assessment tool with its 8...

Events and webinars
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📅 Date: 23 April 2025 🕒 Time: 15:30–17:00 CET This webinar is part of the Community for Educational Innovation (CEI) , which the European Commission created to bring together policymakers, practitioners, and members of the business sector to promote innovation in education at all levels. It is part of the first Thematic Strand of CEI, dedicated to...

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  • Webinar

About the webinar The focus of this webinar is to provide practical insights on HEInnovate, which is a self-assessment tool designed specifically for higher education institutions to explore and enhance their entrepreneurial and innovative potential. During this one-hour webinar, we will explore: how to use the self-assessment tool with its 8...

  • Webinar

HEInnovate webinar (10th December, 2024, 17:00 – 18:00 CET) ZOOM video conference (click here to register) Since 2013, HEInnovate, a joint initiative of the European Commission and OECD has been supporting individual higher education institutions and higher education systems to assess and develop their innovative and entrepreneurial potential, as...

  • Webinar

HEInnovate webinar (5th December, 2024, 15:30 – 16:30 CET) ZOOM video conference (click here to register) Since 2013, HEInnovate, a joint initiative of the European Commission and OECD has been supporting individual higher education institutions and higher education systems to assess and develop their innovative and entrepreneurial potential, as...

  • Webinar

HEInnovate webinar (20th November, 2024, 17:00 – 18:00 CET) ZOOM video conference (click here to register) Since 2013, HEInnovate, a joint initiative of the European Commission and OECD has been supporting individual higher education institutions and higher education systems to assess and develop their innovative and entrepreneurial potential, as...

  • Webinar

HEInnovate webinar (5th November, 2024, 17:00 – 18:00 CEST) ZOOM video conference (click here to register) Since 2013, HEInnovate, a joint initiative of the European Commission and OECD has been supporting individual higher education institutions and higher education systems to assess and develop their innovative and entrepreneurial potential, as...

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The European Commission is currently conducting an interim evaluation of the progress in putting in place and developing the European Education Area (EEA). The evaluation involves a number of consultations to gather feedback of a variety of stakeholders (including non-EU citizens). This Open Public...

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We are happy to announce that we will hold a two-day long physical training session in May 2024 to provide information and advice on how to make the most of HEInnovate. The training is run in cooperation with the European Commission. The training session is aimed at participants who are interested...

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The European Commission has launched an assessment of the instruments, deliverables, results and impact of its university-business cooperation initiatives. Here you can find an official letter from the European Commission endorsing this study and providing further information about its importance...

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The next HEInnovate webinar will be dedicated to exploring the HEInnovate action cards in the form of small interactive group conversations using breakout rooms. The HEInnovate action cards provide relevant and actionable recommendations for short-, medium- and long-term implementation along the...

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The next HEInnovate webinar will take place on Thursday, the 1st February at 5pm CET and will discuss the role of HEIs in place-based transformative innovation. The webinar will benefit from contributions of five speakers, who will first provide a short background and then engage in a panel...

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The European Commission has launched the public consultation in the context of the evaluation process of the Erasmus+ programme. The consultation will run until 8 December 2023 and is available in all 24 EU languages. The public consultation will help the Commission to collect the views of citizens...