Using the head, hands and heart approach in sustainable entrepreneurship courses at European higher education institutions

Head, hands and heart (HHH) is a recent approach that entrepreneurship educators can use as a framework to design, run and evaluate their courses in a holistic manner. HHH offers the opportunity to evaluate students’ cognitive, practical and emotional capabilities, extending traditional approaches that consider mainly cognitive aspects – knowledge acquisition. This case study shows how entrepreneurship educator Dr Rita Klapper applied and refined the HHH approach for entrepreneurship-related courses at selected higher education institutions. From an initial application at Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany) in the context of postgraduate executive evaluations, Dr Rita Klapper introduced HHH into a postgraduate course at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU, Austria) and IDRAC Business School (France). The HHH approach is found to help students feel empowered in their learning and to create an inspiring and trustful learning atmosphere. Students discover an interest in the concept of entrepreneurship and realise that it is relevant to them. Moreover, HHH also increases the opportunity of a learning journey for the educator.

  • Case studies
Submitted on:
09 Aug 2024