• Country reviews
Submitted on:
06 Dec 2021

This HEInnovate country review of Greece identifies numerous innovative and entrepreneurial practices in HEIs throughout the country, and adds to the collection of good practices in country reviews. The Greek national higher education (HE) system has promoted the role of HEIs and Research Centres (RCs) within their communities to support...

  • Country reviews
Submitted on:
23 Nov 2021

Like other European countries, Slovenia is undergoing a process of deep transformation. Changes in climate, technology and demography as well as the COVID-19 pandemic are transforming our societies and way of life. The EU Member States, as elsewhere, need a strong higher education sector, as an engine of innovation and entrepreneurship and driver...

  • Country reviews
Submitted on:
18 Nov 2021

Changes in climate, technology and demography as well as the COVID-19 pandemic are transforming our societies and way of life. The EU Member States, as elsewhere, need a strong higher education sector, as an engine of innovation and entrepreneurship and driver of skills and knowledge. As the conditions in which our societies operate are changing...

  • Country reviews
Submitted on:
15 Nov 2021

Changes in climate, technology and demography as well as the COVID-19 pandemic are transforming our societies and way of life. The EU Member States, as elsewhere, need a strong higher education sector, as an engine of innovation and entrepreneurship and driver of skills and knowledge. As the conditions in which our societies operate are changing...

  • News
Submitted on:
12 Nov 2021

Today’s world is constantly changing. This phenomenon is creating new challenges for educational institutions and business organisations, highlighting the need for innovative methods and practices in teaching and learning. How can teachers and trainers stay up-to-date and address the dynamic opportunities of creativity, innovation and...

  • News
Submitted on:
12 Nov 2021

The EIT’s HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education is an action of EIT – the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. The specific objectives of the HEI Initiative are to contribute to the EIT mission of boosting sustainable, inclusive economic growth by reinforcing the innovation capacity of Europe, whilst also...

  • Webinar
Event date:
25 Nov 2021

We are delighted to announce that the closing webinar in our 2021 Autumn series will take the form of a panel discussion in which our speakers will discuss their work carried out as part of four Erasmus+ funded Forward Looking Cooperation Projects. The four projects are working to identify, develop, test and/or assess innovative approaches to...

  • Webinar summary

This month’s HEInnovate webinar focused on the role and importance of innovation in the cultural and creative sector. The panel discussion explored the sector’s strengths, its challenges, and also stressed the wider impact of this sector, demonstrated even more by its suspension during the pandemic. Finally, experts discussed what the future holds...

  • Webinar summary

The HEInnovate webinar held on the 23rd September 2021 hosted a panel discussion, exploring different practices for the promotion of student entrepreneurship. Four panellists shared their expertise and insights on promoting student entrepreneurship, focusing on how to enhance the impact of student entrepreneurship. The panellists gave examples of...

  • Webinar
Event date:
21 Oct 2021

The next in the series HEInnovate webinar will take place on the 21st October 2021 at 5pm CEST. Our contributors will discuss the role and importance of entrepreneurship and innovation in the arts and creative sector. The contributors of the webinar will highlight the main trends and future plans based on their varied experience of working...

  • Expert profile
Technopolis Group
Managing Partner

Rebecca has been a core member of the HEInnovate Team since the inception of the initiative. She has worked with the European Commission and the members of the expert group to design the self-assessment tool and maintain its relevance. Rebecca is a highly experienced moderator and facilitator who has been running HEInnovate workshops and training...

  • Expert profile
Technopolis Group
Managing Consultant, Thematic Lead for Higher Education

Zsuzsa is the project manager of HEInnovate overseeing the daily running and continuous development of HEInnovate. Zsuzsa and her team have been supporting the take up of HEInnovate through the mobilisation of the expert network, the development of the website, the preparation of new case studies and learning materials, the organisation of...

  • Expert profile
Tecnocampus (Pompeu Fabra University)
Associate Professor

Ester Bernadó is committed to higher education and life-long learning. She has held several positions in the university such as International Coordinator, Director of Bachelor’s Programs, Director of a Research Group in Data Mining, and Coordinator of Entrepreneurship. She has been involved in several projects promoting the transformation of higher...

  • Expert profile
EIT Food
SME Strategy Specialist

Fiona has over 20 years of experience of innovation and enterprise, in industry and in higher education. Her expertise enables her to play a vital connecting role between academia and business within entrepreneurial ecosystems. Prior to her current role, she was CEO of the Scottish Institute for Enterprise (SIE), a national organisation that...

  • Expert profile
JA Bulgaria; JA Europe; The Edge – R&BD; Visiting Professor in I&E, EIT Digital Master School - UNITN
CEO of JA Bulgaria and The Edge: R&BD and Visiting Professor with the EIT Digital Master School in I&E (Innovation and Entrepreneurship)

Milena Stoycheva is the CEO of JA Bulgaria and The Edge: R&BD and Visiting Professor with the EIT Digital Master School in I&E (Innovation and Entrepreneurship). Entrepreneur and educator, she is passionate about the importance of education and the opportunity for young people to develop their talents and discover their future as entrepreneurs...