The updated HEInnovate self-assessment will be launched on the occasion of the Education and Innovation Summit organised by the European Commission on 27 June 2023

We are thrilled to announce that the HEInnovate self-assessment tool has undergone a revision, featuring enhanced statements, input papers discussing the relevance of all eight key areas (or dimensions), a description of the European policy context related to entrepreneurship and innovation in higher education as well as a selection of possible actions to take once your self-assessment has been completed.

The improved self-assessment tool will be available online as of the 27th of June in all official EU languages. Therefore, we would like to inform you that all self-assessments and groups will have to be closed and archived by 23rd June 2023. All registered users will be able to access the results of their past completions from the website, in line with our terms and conditions. However, due to the new content of the self-assessment, old self-assessments will be archived and cannot be completed anymore.

This revision of the HEInnovate self-assessment tool reflects the results of a broad range of expert consultations that have been carried out during the past 12 months. The revision took into account the current policy developments in higher education, such as the European Strategy for Universities. The revised statements maintain their focus on the innovative and entrepreneurial nature of higher education institutions. However, they emphasise the role innovative institutions play by reflecting global societal challenges in their entrepreneurial and innovation agenda; fostering sustainable and inclusive innovation in their mission and across all their activities; connecting with the entrepreneurial ecosystem and networks and contributing to building resilient communities. From the27th of June onwards, you will be able to explore the revised self-assessment in its full extent on the website.

Additional changes introduced address the need to provide enhanced learning materials for our users to facilitate taking actions with HEInnovate. To this end, a new set of action cards have been developed and can be downloaded. They allow institutions to follow up on their self-assessments with appropriate actions thus supporting them on their entrepreneurial and innovative journey.

We hope you will enjoy exploring the new self-assessment tool and we look forward to receiving your feedback!

Best regards

The HEInnovate team

If you have any questions, please contact

  • News
Submitted by:
HEInnovate Admin
Submitted on:
16 Jun 2023