• Webinar
Event date:
08 Oct 2020

Following the summer break, we are resuming the HEInnovate webinar series. The webinars will be held every two weeks on Thursdays. The upcoming webinar series will explore inspiring institutional practices showcased as case studies on the HEInnovate website, continue the discussions on digital transformation of higher education, and put select...

  • Workshop news
Event date:
08 Oct 2020

This workshop will explore how HEInnovate helps higher education institutions, regional authorities and other stakeholders work together to develop the innovative and entrepreneurial potential of higher education institutions and the regions. It will feature practical examples and initiatives such as: the experiences of some Erasmus Plus projects...

  • Case studies
Submitted on:
24 Aug 2020
Area of discipline:
Business and Economics

Riga Business School (RBS) offers business education at undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate level, following a North American style and teaching entirely in English. Entrepreneurship is a core element, which is thoroughly encouraged in its offerings. Digital transformation is mainly addressed in the Computer Science and Organisational...

  • Case studies
Submitted on:
24 Aug 2020
Area of discipline:
Business and Economics

The Startup Centar (SC) at the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Economics is one of only a few programmes for developing entrepreneurial thinking and behaviour among students in Serbia. The SC is open for all students eager to learn how to build their company with support from some of the best mentors available. In the main part of the programme...

  • Webinar summary
  • Webinar presentation

The recent Covid-19 crisis forced European Higher Education Institutions to deliver their educational offer entirely on online platforms, accelerating the digital transformation that some institutions were preparing for or were experimenting with. During the webinar, four panellists presented how institutions responded to this challenge in Hungary...

  • Webinar summary
  • Webinar presentation

During the recent Covid-19 crisis, European Higher Education Institutions have had to rely on distant learning formats and have employed a range of different assessment methods which were not in use before. The manner in which skills can be assessed and exams undertaken has been one of the major challenges of the change experienced by both students...

  • Case studies
Submitted on:
14 Jul 2020

This case study focuses on the digital academy programme of the University of Naples within the campus of San Giovanni. The analysis examines the successful collaboration between the University and several global high-tech players taking root within a fragile setting in Italy. The academy programme promotes digital innovation and leverages...

  • Webinar
Event date:
18 Jun 2020

The next HEInnovate webinar will explore the key pillars of the national policy approaches to enhance digital transformation in higher education in Ireland and in Hungary. In addition, university representatives will discuss the impact of COVID-19 on teaching and learning as well as on the entrepreneurial culture in higher education institutions...

  • Webinar summary
  • Webinar presentation

During the Covid-19 crisis, European Higher Education Institutions had to rapidly move the teaching and learning onto online platforms. This experience has made us realise how important it is to be able to rely on the best approaches to adapt course material to online teaching. During the webinar, four experts shared their experiences: Moira...

  • Webinar
Event date:
04 Jun 2020

The next HEInnovate webinar will explore the different skills assessment and exam models higher education institutions adopted for the current exam periods though a panel discussion. The webinar will take place on Thursday, 04th June at 5pm CEST. In their discussion the panel will focus on the practical challenges both students and teachers have to...

  • Webinar summary

During the Covid-19 crisis, we have been made to realise more than ever that our future may be different from our present. This is called ‘disruption.’ How does one learn how to engage with disruption? Klaus Sailer (Munich University) and Wolfgang Stark (Duisburg-Essen University) led a conversation with Otto Scharmer (MIT) on what the future...

  • Webinar
Event date:
21 May 2020

The third HEInnovate webinar will explore different online teaching and learning approaches adopted by higher education institutions. The webinar will take place on Thursday 21st May at 5pm CEST. The presentations and discussions will focus on the experiences of higher education institutions adapting their suit of course materials to ensure high...

  • Webinar
Event date:
07 May 2020

The second HEInnovate webinar is taking a novel approach, combining dialogue, music and group discussions to engage participants. It will take place on Thursday, the 7th May at 5pm CEST. The dialogue and discussions will focus on how higher education institutions can establish transformational learning and what lies ahead for entrepreneurial HEIs...

  • Webinar
Event date:
24 Apr 2020

We are launching an HEInnovate webinar series. Every second week we will invite selected experts to describe their assessment of the key challenges they faced over recent months, the solutions they chose to adopt in their institutions and how they transformed both educational practice and procedures to meet the requirements of the digital world...

  • Case studies
Submitted on:
20 Mar 2020

The study "Supporting the entrepreneurial potential of higher education" was based on a contract between the European Commission, Directorate General Education and Culture (DG EAC), and empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Technologieforschung mbH (co-ordinator – Bonn, Germany) as well as the University of Wuppertal, UNESCO Chair of...