11 partners from 4 different European countries (Portugal, Spain, Denmark and Austria) got together under the Knowledge Alliances action, funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, with the sole objective of achieving the development of sustainable product-services within the furniture and construction sectors. Thus, they wanted to implement practices of the Circular Economy in order to create more eco-friendly alternatives that also adjust to the necessities of the current market.
They all worked towards the aim of addressing existing challenges in the implementation of Circular Economy in the above-mentioned sectors, and they successfully did so. The partners created 8 methodological modules and 7 tools that students, teachers and professionals in general can use in order to apply these sustainable strategies to their products and services. These 8 theoretical modules are available in E-book format and free to download through the website of the project. Other materials and useful resources are also available through the Knowledge Platform developed inside the lifetime of the project.
With their great efforts, the partnership created a network of educative institutions, professionals in the sector and private companies in which they can exchange experiences and work together towards a more sustainable way of proceeding inside the furniture and construction sector. The project achieved its final aim: to demonstrate that Circular Economy applied to these industries is not only sustainable, but also beneficial.
Read the full story here.