HEInnovate country review shows good policy practices in higher education in Austria

The HEInnovate country review for Austria was launched in Vienna today, displaying a collection of good institutional and policy practices in the country. The report, Supporting Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Higher Education in Austria assess the potential of country’s higher education systems to spur entrepreneurship and innovation.

According to the report, Austria’s higher education system has consistently recognised the need to become more entrepreneurial and innovative with a view to supporting the economic, social and cultural development of the country, and its regions. 

Over the past decades, the government has been implementing a broad reform agenda to provide strategic funding, diversify higher education institutions (HEIs), and promote an allocation of students that improves the quality of services, empowering them vis à vis the future of work and society.

Since 2017, to support Higher Education systems, the European Commission, in close cooperation with the OECD, have started to undertake country reviews based on HEInnovate. These reviews assess the current situation on how entrepreneurial higher education in the MS are, and provide a series of concrete, constructive recommendations for change and improvement where needed. 

So far 9 EU Member States have completed a HEInnovate review: Bulgaria, Hungary, Ireland, Poland, The Netherlands, Croatia, Romania, Austria and Italy (this last report will be presented in Rome in December 2019).

If you are interested in knowing more about HEInnovate country reviews and, in particular, the Austrian report you can find more information at the following links:

Click for the Austrian HEInnovate Country Review 

Click for other HEInnovate country reviews 

Austrian HEInnovate Country Review
  • News
Submitted by:
James Ankobia
Submitted on:
12 Nov 2019