On June 22nd, the University of Aveiro (Portugal) is hosting the national Engineering Education Forum (EEF 2016). This full day event provides an opportunity to debate all aspects related to teaching & learning engineering and innovative & entrepreneurial thinking. The Forum is the first to be organised by the SEE (Science & Engineering Education) Working Group which brings together experts and stakeholders, from igher Education Institutions, Industry sector and Associations linked to Higher Education and Engineering.
The University of Aveiro, in particular its Department of Mechanical Engineering, is a pioneer in the use of HEInnovate among students, staff, researchers and teachers. The use of HEInnovate in the University has been the catalyst for the creation of the SEE Working Group and the core actions of the SEE WG are closely aligned to two of the seven dimensions of HEInnovate: Entrepreneurial Teaching and Learning and Preparing and Supporting Entrepreneurs. In 2015 the University was chosen as a case study for HEInnovate, which is also available on the HEInnovate website.
Inspired by HEInnovate, the Engineering Education Forum (EEF 2016) will be an innovative event, with a number of round tables, challenges to participants, brainstorming + painstorming sessions and ideation slots. It will provide the opportunity to give an active voice to the most important asset in Engineering Education - people and in particular, the students.
More information on the event can be found at: http://see.web.ua.pt/index.php/what/events/eef16/