Ana has a Phd in Business and Economics, with a thesis about Operational risk in banking and focussed on internal and audit control for years. She moved on to the entrepreneurship world when she started to be part of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) team in Cantabria in 2008.
During her time as Vice-dean at the Faculty of Business and Economics from 2010-2014 she was in charge to organise the First International Encounter of Experts on Entrepreneurship (I EEEE). This represented the seed for the creation of Cantabria Emprendedora, a governmental platform to connect and help entrepreneurs and the CISE (Centre International Santander Entrepreneurship). This is a public-private initiative among the Bank of Santander and the University and Government of Cantabria.
Since 2013 she has been the Executive Director of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Spain Network and the Director of the Master in Entrepreneurship at the University of Cantabria.
As the Head of the Entrepreneurship Area of the SME Chair, her main research interest areas are education and social entrepreneurship, where she has published several articles, directed thesis, master projects and recently edited a book with 45 authors from six different countries.
She also organised the II and III EEEE, a HEInnovate Workshop in Cantabria and participated in the majority of HEInnovate Expert meetings.